Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Liftoff in T -6 hours

well...I hate to say it, but my bags ARE packed, and I AM ready to go and I do hate to say goodbye.

Today has sort of a Christmas Eve feel to it.....everything that is happening feels somewhat surreal. I am really excited about this trip, about chillin' in Budapest, meeting the family, new year's in Berlin and traveling towards the end. Nonethless, I was starting to get pretty comfortable - which is actally probably why I am going!!!? - and feel sad to leave the friends I have made and relationships I have built (Darryl, that one's for you).

But hey, adventure bekons - and I still have some running around to do today......

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Internet inept

K guys, sorry but I just can't figure out how to post the link to my flickr.com account....I'll end up figuring it out , but for now there are two ways: click on any photo in my blog (there's only one right now) and once you are in full view, it should bring you straight to the link, or just go to this site:


not much there yet - some best of's from Mexico and of yours truly and soon to be Serbia....

Saturday, November 05, 2005

toothless in Calgary.

Well it's done. I realize this is a completely normal procedure that most people have to go through, but let's face it: no one WANTS to get their wisdom teeth pulled out. They really don't. All in all, it was relatively "painless"....I think 20 seconds after the injection I was off in happy dream land and woke up toothless and semi-conscious. With the anesthetics, antio-biotics and painkillers combined, I couldn't stay awake for more than 20 minutes at a time..I even fell asleep with the ice packs on my cheeks! Minimal fainting occured (fainted once, two close calls) and I think, all things considered, I am in pretty good shape. I'd post a picture, but I doubt it would be flattering. If you'll excuse me, it's time for my pain killers.......

Thursday, November 03, 2005

...rough weekened!

...rough weekened!
Originally uploaded by borderlys.

Is it too cheesy if I say the party was a "hit?!

Happy Halloweeen....I better have won that costume contest at work!