Saturday, November 05, 2005

toothless in Calgary.

Well it's done. I realize this is a completely normal procedure that most people have to go through, but let's face it: no one WANTS to get their wisdom teeth pulled out. They really don't. All in all, it was relatively "painless"....I think 20 seconds after the injection I was off in happy dream land and woke up toothless and semi-conscious. With the anesthetics, antio-biotics and painkillers combined, I couldn't stay awake for more than 20 minutes at a time..I even fell asleep with the ice packs on my cheeks! Minimal fainting occured (fainted once, two close calls) and I think, all things considered, I am in pretty good shape. I'd post a picture, but I doubt it would be flattering. If you'll excuse me, it's time for my pain killers.......

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