Friday, June 16, 2006

Right time, right place

World Cur Fans
Originally uploaded by borderlys.
As most of you know, the world cup is happening right now in cities all over Germany, so I thought it would be cool to pop by and check out the action. So after a ridiculously long and hot train ride back to Serbia (couldn't go through Macedonia again because Canadians need a visa! ARGH) I made it to Belgrade and Novi becej where I took things easy for a few days. Headed back up to Budapest and flew to Berlin where I met with Gwen, Marie-Pier and Julia. My sister just got here and all I can say is "jetzt geht's los!" (now we're getting started!) She's still all jet lagged and tired but she's going to muster up the energy to go shopping today (after all, you can't be in Germany without going to H&M) and then hitting up a raggae show in a park for the games tonight.

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