Sunday, November 26, 2006

B tard

I don't heart theory!
Originally uploaded by borderlys.
“B” tard.

Ok, so I know I am geeking out by getting all upset about my B average right now, but it’s seriously hurting my intellectual ego right now. I can’t help but feel inferior when it seems like I am part of the 8% (this is a hypothetical number I have used to emphasize how I feel) that is not being rewarded with As every second day. And yes, we do get assingments back every second day because we have to hand some in every second day.

I am trying to be positive about this – really, the point in my doing this Master’s is to learn. It’s to improve. Nonetheless, when the options are A, B, or fail, I’ll take the A thank you. None of this second grade B shit. “But Lisa,” I am sure you are now thinking, “you speak five languages! Get over it already, you are not an idiot!” To that I say “Who cares. It’s not getting me As at the moment, is it?!?!”

It’s ironic, because just the other day one of my professors was talking about how grades get you to the Master’s, but once you are in, they are baisically irrelevant. The fact that I get Bs won’t prevent me from getting a job; it won’t prevent me from getting published (I doubt this will be the case anyway); regardless, it just plain feels shitty and nothing (other than getting an A, of course) can make me feel better about it.


Skye said...

Very well written.

KEINER said...

When you apply for a job people have to see that not just grades have to be considered when choosing new employees. I am pretty sure that you will be a very commited and get things done. I would hire you! Do not dispair, it will all work out for you.

Greetings HarryBo73 from Flickr

PS: I tried to start my own blog, but I was to lazy to do more than the initial page