Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Christmas Candle
Originally uploaded by borderlys.
...here's hopin' everyone had a merry christmas. Mine was great! I mostly just ate and drank for 4 days straight. Chrismtas eve, 1st day of Christmas (as they call it here) and the 2nd day of Christmas (which is our boxing day) and then the day after, where there are leftoever to be eaten and more people to visit! I think I will return to Serbia (and possible even Canada!) with a bunch of chocolate and sweets that were given to me -- now those pilates classes are really going to come in handy -- only to go experience a Serbian Orthodox Christmas on January 7th. Visited with all my host families, tonight I am partying with school friends, and on the 29th I head off to Berlin for New Years...should also be good....I'll update again in the new year, so "guten rutsch" as they say here, which means slide well into the new year.

1 comment:

Borderlys said...

I guess you could call it that -- his name is Dede Mraz, which means Father Christmas or something like that....