Friday, March 17, 2006

Riding the Carpatians

riding the carpatians
Originally uploaded by borderlys.
Well I have been in Romania for about two weeks now and I am really starting to like it! Every place I have been has had something different to offer -- Timisoara was filled with many an alcoholic beverage, intellectual conversation, getting used to hearing Romanian; Sighisoara was REALLY quiet, as I was the only one in the hostel for the first night; Sibiu was lovely and snow-covered, but muddy as hell; Brasov good eats, good nightlife (happy st. patricks day, by the way - I know what I am doing tonight!) and SNOW and SNOWBOARDING! MY GOD! If I lived here, I would be here at LEAST 3 times a week! The snow was unbelievable, and although I am so sore I can barely walk today, it was WELL worth the trip out there! The next day went to Dracula's Castle and Rasnov, gorgeous citdael ruins in the midst of being rebuilt. Myh trip to Bran and Rasvno was very enchanting as it felt like I had just walked into a Christmas village in the north pole or something. All the houses were covered in snow and it was white everywhere! I loved it! This weekend I am going to some sort of Couchsurfing party in Sinaia, (also in the mountains) afterwhich I should be heading off to Bucuresti for a few days before heading out to Bulgaria.

1 comment:

Borderlys said...

*sigh* what to respond to all this! I think I'll send you an email instead..!